
Biologie Overal, deel 1


Biologie voor jou, Havo A, tweede fase

Derde druk

Biologie voor jou, VWO B1, 2e fase


Cells and Organelles

Novikoff - Holtzmann, 2nd edition 1976, Paperback
Engelstalig, 395 pagina's Coverfoto heeft bruine achtergrond, niet blauw zoals op foto

Dissection Manual, Student

2006 (2nd ed). 20 pages. Covers basic dissection of the starfish, earthworm, crayfish, grasshopper, and frog. Contains labeled drawings of each animal. Soft cover.

Dissection of the Fetal Pig Guide

Roger E. Phillips, Jr. 2006 (2nd ed). 46 pages
Accurate, highly detailed, airbrushed illustrations, each carefully labeled, display the important structures of the fetal pig. Chapters conclude with questions and suggestions for further investigation. Plastic binding allows the manual to lie flat. Laminated, soft cover.

Dissection of the Frog Manual

Ashley Hagler, MS, MAT. 2009. 34 pages
Reproducible, highly detailed illustrations - each carefully labeled - emphasize the essential structures of the frog.Chapters conclude with questions and suggestions for further investigation. Plastic binding allows the manual to lie flat. Laminated, soft cover.

Drosophila Manual

36 pages, full color. A complete guide for maintaining and studying Drosophila.

Essential cell biology

Bruce Alberts, 764 pagina's, softcover

Experiments with Bean Beetles

Christopher W. Beck and Lawrence S. Blumer. 2009. 64 pages. This handbook is an introductory guide to bean beetle behavioral studies, with instructions for conducting 5 different experiments.

Henderson's dictionary of Biological terms, 11th edition

Eleanor Lawrence

Isozymes in plant biology

Thodore R Dudley, Hardcover, 268 pagina's

Molecualar biology of the cell, 2nd edition

Hardcover, 1308 pagina's

Molecular cell biology 3rd edition

Harvey Lodish

Molecular cell biology, 2nd edition

Darnell, 1105 pagina's, Softcover

Nectar Biologie deel 1, Mavo Havo VWO

Wolters Noordhoff

Nectar Biologie deel 2, Havo VWO

Wolters Noordhoff

Nectar VWO bovenbouw Biologie 2, deel 1

Wolters Noordhoff

Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory

Designed to complement any text or lab manual. Standard terminology is used, and all photographs are completely labeled.Major groups of organisms you may observe in a lab are represented, many with photomicrographs and electron microscopy. An invaluable reference, these manuals may be adapted to your specific needs. Pages are punched for a 3-ring binder (not included). Specimens appear as you see them in the lab. Full-color photos with detailed labeling

Photographic Atlas of Entomology and Guide to Insect Identification

James Castner. 2000. 174 pages. Designed specifically for students interested in general entomology and insect taxonomy, this photo-oriented entomological guide is the first of its kind. More than 600 color photographs illustrate the structural characteristics and anatomical features of the major insect families and arthropod groups discussed in entomology courses. In addition to photographic coverage of approximately 190 arthropod taxa (including 30 insect and 8 arachnid orders), explanations and illustrations of external anatomy and insect development are also provided. Dichotomous keys to the family level are included for the major orders, as well as a glossary of specialized terms. An excellent aid in learning the basics of insect identification. Spiral binding.

Spuren Elemente

Hermann Rompp, Kosmos gesellschaft der Naturfreunde

The biology of cancer

Robert A Weinberg, softcover, 864 pagina's

The pathway for oxygen

Ewald R Weibel
Structure and function in the mammalian respiratory system

Understanding Bee anatomy

Ian Stell
This is a magnificent book with a very large number of full colour photographs that explain visually the structure of the honeybee. This must be the modern definitive work on the structure of the bee. Highly recommended.